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Friday, December 31, 2004

Sivy on Stocks: Five lessons from 2004 - Dec. 27, 2004

Sivy on Stocks: Five lessons from 2004 - Dec. 27, 2004: "Lesson No. 1: Psychology matters." Lesson No. 2: Oil follows its own cycle. Lesson No. 3: The U.S. is becoming more vulnerable to external shocks. Lesson No. 4: Stock market excesses take a long time to correct. Lesson No. 5: There's no such thing as a safe stock.

Yahoo! Savings News

Yahoo! Savings News:

"If you're uncertain about where long-term rates are headed, there are a couple of ways to manage this risk. One way is by investing in a bump-up CD. Another way is by building a laddered CD portfolio. A third way is by investing in a callable CD, but I'm not going to recommend that you pursue that option."

10 Resolutions for a Fruitful Fiscal Year: Money Matters - Yahoo! Finance

10 Resolutions for a Fruitful Fiscal Year: Money Matters - Yahoo! Finance

The truth is that so much of your financial success is determined by moves that have nothing to do with which stock is hot or cold over the next 12 months. Instead, it's about putting together a sound long-term game plan—one centered around savings strategies and reduced expenditures rather than playing the market—and following it with discipline.

MSN Money - 5 steps to total financial control

MSN Money - 5 steps to total financial control

CUT. UP. YOUR. CREDIT. CARDS. Start a spending plan. Set up separate accounts for saving. Make saving automatic.

Monday, December 13, 2004 - Basics: Tutorials - Basics: Tutorials - Retirement - Retirement - /planning - Clean out Your Flex Account - December 13, 2004 - /planning - Clean out Your Flex Account - December 13, 2004

Moneyextra | Guides to Pensions: Saving for your pension

Moneyextra | Guides to Pensions: Saving for your pension

5 Tips: Rising rates - Dec. 13, 2004

5 Tips: Rising rates - Dec. 13, 2004

Millionaire in the making: Learning fast by learning young - Dec. 10, 2004

Millionaire in the making: Learning fast by learning young - Dec. 10, 2004

Daily finance at Bloomberg

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Financial Planning

If you’re thinking about financial planning for the first time when you reach your 40s or 50s, it may be too late to get the best bang for your buck. Financial planning usually conjures images or retirement and many young people that they have plenty of time to worry about it once they are more established. But, the best financial planning starts early and is updated regularly.


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