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Saturday, February 26, 2005

MSN Money - 15 risk-averse ways to reach your goals

MSN Money - 15 risk-averse ways to reach your goals: "If you're risk-averse, the modern investment world probably has made you feel like the parade has passed you by. Believe it or not, you don't have to bet the farm. Betting wisely through investing is just one piece of the strategy. Here are 15 ways to meet your retirement goals using strategies that won't make you nauseous."

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Earn Money by Blogging !!!!!!!

Earn money by Blogging !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make Money Blogging!

Economic Growth Expected to Dip in 2005

Economic Growth Expected to Dip in 2005: "'Economic growth in 2005 will moderate but still be solid,' said Carl Tannenbaum, chief economist at LaSalle Bank and head of the committee overseeing the economic forecast.
One reason economists give for the expected moderation this year is the belief that a red-hot housing market will cool and mortgage rates will rise. Consumer spending and business investment this year are expected to be solid and to help support economic growth, according to the outlook."

Monday, February 21, 2005

Creating a Personal Budget

Many people simply spend the money they earn until it runs out. The
problem with this approach is that it does not allow financial goals to
be achieved, such as producing the down payment on a home or
accumulating savings. The primary purpose of a budget is to limit
spending so that it does not exceed income and allows for saving. The
purpose of saving is to achieve long-term goals.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Take charge of wealth manager choice

Take charge of wealth manager choice: "As a shopper in this vast universe of wealth management services, your goal is to learn which firms provide what services and to whom. Your next task is to think about what services you might need. Your last step would include evaluating the integrity, credibility and projected costs of each firm you audition." The Hidden Costs Of College The Hidden Costs Of College: "Indeed, there are many costs that don't show up on the college bill, ranging from books and supplies to travel, laundry and other personal expenses, all of which add up to thousands of dollars each year." Top Worldwide Top Worldwide: "The dollar had its biggest weekly decline in two months against the euro as some traders said Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan testimony to Congress wasn't bullish enough to extend the currency's rally this year. "

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Pay Yourself First

If you want greater financial security, pay yourself first. This means routinely setting aside a reasonable portion of your paycheck each month so it won't be gobbled up by other needs and temptations. If you can get in the habit of saving 10% of your income - especially when you're young - you'll likely have far more financial freedom and choices later on.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Manage Your Money Blog (MANAGEYOURMONEY.BIZ) joins Answer BlogNetwork

Manage Your Money Blog (MANAGEYOURMONEY.BIZ) joins Answer BlogNetwork
Manage your money Blog (MANAGEYOURMONEY.BIZ) provides the latest information on managing your money, has joined the AnswerBlog Network.

(PRWEB) January 10, 2005 -- Manage your money Blog (MANAGEYOURMONEY.BIZ) provides the latest information on managing your money, has become an official member of the AnswerBlog Network.

Almost everyone needs help managing their money. This Blog will bring all of the best information about how to manage your money that the internet has to offer in one convient location. There will be many articles on how to save for retirement, money saving tips for today, how to invest, and much much more.

A budget is simply a tool that is used to plan spending and savings. Most people are ignorant of their spending habits—they simply know that the money is gone at the end of the month but rarely have an idea of where it went. A planned, well thought-out budget can not only help you identify potentially problem areas, but also help you plan for unexpected emergencies.

If you pay $200 or more in annual fees for banking, it’s time to do some competitive shopping. As we begin 2005, the Wall Street consensus is that the year ahead will be OK. Not great like 2003, when the Standard & Poor's 500 ($INX) stock index was up 26%. And not terrible like 2002, when the S&P 500 was down 23%. But OK like 2004, when the index climbed 9.1%

Last but not least: What to do if you're 55 and haven't saved a dime? First figure out what you'll have and what you'll need. Put every possible dollar you can into tax-deductible retirement plans. Take a hard look at your current work situation. Finally be realistic in your projections and your dreams.

For more information on managing your money please visit:

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Procrastinators' Guide to Hatching a Nest Egg: Money Matters - Yahoo! Finance

Procrastinators' Guide to Hatching a Nest Egg: Money Matters - Yahoo! Finance: "Racing to make up for lost time also describes how so many of you try to overcompensate with your retirement investing. You waited until you were in your 40s or early 50s to get serious about socking away money for your retirement, and now you figure your only shot at a decent nest egg is to gamble on super-aggressive stocks. "

Converting Your Traditional IRA to a Roth

Converting Your Traditional IRA to a Roth: "Although rolling old IRA money into a new-fangled Roth sounds great, there's a catch: To do so, you have to pay tax on the amount rolled over -- except to the extent that you have made nondeductible contributions to the old IRA."

Thursday, February 03, 2005 Debt Management: Help! I'm Drowning in Debt Debt Management: Help! I'm Drowning in Debt: "Most Americans can't just flip open a checkbook and wipe out $18,000 worth of unpaid bills. But plenty of reputable organizations are out there willing to help you negotiate a manageable schedule to repay your debts and to see where you've been overspending. Unfortunately, there are some not-so-honorable companies as well � ones hoping to profit from your desperation and employing high-pressure sales tactics to get you to sign with them. Many offer little more than a quick road to bankruptcy court, which should always be a last resort. "

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Buy-to-Hold vs. Trading

Buy-to-Hold vs. Trading: "Brad Barber and Terrance Odean, professors at the University of California at Davis business school, hammered another nail into the frequent-trading coffin with their research. They published papers demonstrating that individual investors who buy and hold generally outperform those who trade frequently."


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