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Monday, May 29, 2006

Getting Your Financial Life Sorted: The Automatic Millionaire - Yahoo! Finance

Getting Your Financial Life Sorted: The Automatic Millionaire - Yahoo! Finance: "Even in this era of Internet banking and easy-to-use financial software, you probably have a jumble of bills, various piles of credit-card statements, and a variety of financial accounts. Don't worry; you're not alone. But until you get your finances organized, you can't start creating financial security -- and ultimately reaching your financial dreams."

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Investing - Investing Basics: Investing in Mutual Funds - AOL Money & Finance

Investing - Investing Basics: Investing in Mutual Funds - AOL Money & Finance:

Two significant benefits of investing in mutual funds are diversification and lower transaction costs. By investing in the securities whose prices do not move together, the fund achieves a level of diversification at a lower price than what you would pay to diversify with individual securities. Mutual funds often manage billions of dollars for investors. Their size allows them to spread out brokerage commissions and other transaction fees, or even negotiate lower fees. This results in lower transaction costs for you.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Best Assets For A Retirement Account: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

Best Assets For A Retirement Account: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance: "Capital gains distributions can generate tax bills. And some of those profits may be highly taxed short-term gains. But you won't have to pay cap-gains tax as long as the earnings stay inside the account. (You will have to pay income tax on assets removed from the retirement account later on.)
Mutual funds holding small-company stocks also often work best inside a retirement plan, Cordaro says. They may trade actively and generate gains for shareholders that are taxable if not held inside a tax-deferred account."


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